How to Code – Coding for Beginners and How to Learn Programming for Free?
These days, there are a lot resources out there for learning how to code. And many of them are readily available online for free – so choosing one can be overwhelming. But there's definitely an upside: you don't need to attend a paid bootcamp or university anymore in order to learn how to code. You can teach yourself. In this article, I will share some tips and info about how to learn to code for free as a beginner. I'll also point you to free learning platforms and resources. What is Coding? "Coding" is a commonly used term for computer programming. Some people use it interchangeably with programming, while others would argue they are not entirely the same. By definition, "code" refers to a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do. Computers don't understand human language, so over time, humans have created languages that computers can understand. And developers speak to them through those languages. Examples of coding languages includ...