after learning python what next


8 High Paying Careers To Choose After Learning Python

  • 8 High Paying Careers To Choose After Learning Python. Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. ...
  • Data Scientist. If you want to go with the trend then start learning data science. ...
  • Web Developer. ...
  • Machine Learning Engineer. ...
  • Test Automation Engineer. ...
  • Data Analyst. ...
  • Educator. ...
  • Freelancing.

Python is one of the most used languages of the last decade. It has become the first choice for beginners. The reason is simple, python offers one of the simplest and easy-to-understand syntaxes out of all other languages. The Number of python developers has increased up to 10 times around the world. Currently, python has over 10 million developers around the world. It is predicted that the numbers are going to increase more in the upcoming years due to the versatility of python.

Python offers a wide range of applications from building bots, websites, hacking tools to building mobile applications. It is a versatile language. The one question that occurs in every developer's mind after learning python is what to do next? In this blog, I will try to answer this question by showing you Some High Paying Carrier To Choose from After Learning Python.

1. Data Scientist

If you want to go with the trend then start learning data science. Data Science is said to be one of the most in-demand skills of the decade. The Requirement of data scientists will going to increase up to 5 times in the upcoming years.

No matter how many articles and bloggers say that data scientists will extinct in upcoming years, believe me, this is not going to happen because every automated system or slave requires a master to make it work properly.

A Data Scientist Combines the knowledge of computer science, statistics, mathematics and generates some useful information from the data. A Data Scientist Take messy data and apply his learning and knowledge to fetch some useful information from that.

If you are someone who loves solving maths and enjoy statistics then you can go for data science. Your data science journey will become much easier and enjoyable if you enjoy maths. Remember You don’t have to master maths.

An Entry LevelData Scientist Earns around $100k per year on average according to glassdoor. These Number Will See A Hike of 1.5 to 2.5% under 5 years.

2. Web Developer

Web Developer is an ever-green job. The trend of This job never goes down. The IT Market always has requirements and demands for web developers. So if you are someone who wants to play safe then go for it.

Python alone will not give you a job as a web developer. You also have to have some basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Python offers a variety of libraries for web development Like Flask, Django, etc. Django is the most famous and used framework out of all.

Django is an open-source python web framework used for rapid development, pragmatic, maintainable, clean design, and secures websites. There are many big websites that run completely on python and Django. Netflix is one of the best examples of it. It uses python for almost everything from recommending videos to backend processing.

An Entry Level Django Developer Earns Around $65k per year. With Little Experience in the field, the salary can go up to $100k. 

3. Machine Learning Engineer

According to Arthur Samuel, Machine Learning is a field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. It is a branch of Artificial Intelligence.

In Machine Learning We Deal With Mainly numerical data, categorical data, time-series data, and text. A Machine Learning Model Is trained on the data, that find some patterns and learn from the data and is later used to predict for future inputs.

An Entry Level Machine Learning Engineer Earns approximately $98k. Someone with experience in the field can earn up to $130k in few years.

Check Out This Article Published In   To wards Data science and This One From  Free code camp.

4. Test Automation Engineer

This Job is the Future of Python Jobs. It is predicted that the upcoming decade will be dedicated to Automations. Whether Automating Personal Stuff or Automating Machine Learning.

 according to wikipedia Automation engineers can design, program, simulate and test automated machinery and processes, and usually are employed in industries such as the energy sector in plants, car manufacturing facilities or food processing plants and robots.

Automation Can Save lots of time and man efforts in each industry.

The average salary for Test Automation Engineer is $87,621 per year. The Salary of an automation engineer can be a little less than others but this job offers a wide range of options in freelancing. You can create and sell   automation scripts and earn a good amount of money.

Check Out This  post From Sdacadmey and This LinkedIn post to quick start your journey as a Test Automation Engineer.

5. Data Analyst

Python is considered to be the best choice for analyzing data. It offers a variety of powerful libraries to manipulate data For Example Pandas, Numpy, Scikit learn, and more. Regardless of python, you should also have some knowledge of Excel operations, SQL, Critical Thinking, Data Visualization, and Story Telling.

accordiong to master data science A data analyst collects, processes, and performs statistical analyses on a large dataset. They discover how data can be used to answer questions and solve problems.

An Entry Level Data Analyst Earn Somewhere Between $40k-50k per annum. These Numbers will grow as per experience and enhancement in knowledge.

Check Out These Two Blogs, One From coursera and another from  master data science to know how you can become one.

6. Educator

Python is one of the most used and in-demand programming languages. The popularity of Python has increased so much in the last couple of years. Currently, there are over 10 million developers around the world who use python as their first priority.

The Number of Python learners is increasing day by day. it has overtaken French to be the most popular language that is taught in primary schools.

Becoming an Educator of python can be a great carrier option for you. You don’t have to be a master in python to become one. You can choose to teach anything.

You can teach how to solve an error that has occurred when you have installed some package, You can teach how to build a project that you have build, You can teach them about new python libraries or out of best you can teach them how to learn it quickly and efficiently by a series of tutorial.

You have many platforms to become an educator. If you choose to go with blogs then medium and your own website are the best choices and if you choose to go with video then youtube or creating your own courses and selling them on udemy will be an option.

7. Freelancing

If you are someone who doesn’t want to work under the hood of a company then you should go for this option. I have seen and read about many freelance python developers who earn more than $200k per year.

There are many ways to start freelancing. You can become a freelance writer for different websites. Some websites even pay you $300–$500 for one good article.

You can start working on freelance projects. There are many websites available for you like Upwork, Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, and many more. This website has many clients that need good python developers for their projects. You can earn some easy money and good clients through these websites.

8. Startup

This Option is only for brave and dedicated people. Python is one of the best languages to start a startup thew your coding skills.

You can start your startup in three steps only. First, You Need To Choose a field of application of python Ex. Machine Learning, Web Development, etc. Then, You Need To Become a Master In That Field. The Last and Most Important step is to create something that can reduce the efforts of other developers learning the same field. For Example, if you choose to go with machine learning then create software that can automatically train a machine learning model and perform predictions.

You can turn your freelancing passion into a startup by building relationships with clients. The Only Thing You Have To Remember is to Provide the best work for your clients every time so that they can choose you for any future work. Once You Got 20–30 clients your startup will start to grow and your freelancing carrier will become a startup.


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