Top 20 In-demand Tech Skills That Don’t Involve Coding

 Learning how to code can be daunting. Frustrating. Perhaps even scary. However, the tech industry is huge. If you suspect that coding isn’t for you, know that there are many technical jobs out there that don’t even require coding.

Below are 10 in-demand technical skills that don’t involve writing a single line of code!

1. Data Analysis

All things data are hot right now. (HBR named Data Science ) This career can take lots of forms. Some data analysts do know programming languages (like r or SAS). But analyzing data can happen in a ton of ways.

A lot of data analysis is all about using tools like Microsoft Excel and even Google Analytics. Familiarize yourself with these tools, and use them to compile and study data on personal projects like your blog or social media, to see if it’s something you enjoy. (Hint: if you enjoyed math/statistics in school, you’ll probably enjoy data analysis!)

2. Software Testing

This job entails putting programs through a variety of tests to catch bugs and determine whether the software meets specifications or requirements. Some software testing is automated, but there’s still a lot of value in hiring people to test it manually: machines can’t gauge how enjoyable the user experience is, only actual users can!

Testers should be able to work with developers and explain what parts of the program worked and didn’t work for them, but they don’t necessarily need to be well-versed in programming terminology.

3. Technical Support

You already know what this one is: helping people use software, answering questions, manning phones. Technical support can be internal (within a large organization, helping coworkers) or external (helping customers). In many cases, soft skills like communication and problem-solving are much more important for tech support specialists than hard technical knowledge – and you probably won’t run into any situations where you need to know JavaScript or Python.

4. Rapid Prototyping

This sub-specialization in the UX/UI field is all about wireframing applications quickly. It can be as simple as a quick sketch or as complex as a full prototype: the point is to have various design options for a website or application idea, and incorporate feedback to refine the final product.

Usually, rapid prototypers will have input from the rest of their team: developers, stakeholders, testers, etc., as well as the users the product is being built for.

5. Command of Adobe Products

Tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign allow you to wireframe websites, make blog graphics and social media graphics, and more.

Knowledge of these programs is desired in design roles primarily (and ideally you’ll have them more or less mastered if you’re an aspiring designer). However, these skills can help you and increase your desirability in other fields too, like marketing and even writing. (Like, being able to make nice graphics to accompany your blog post.)

6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO helps websites rank higher in search result pages. Best practices in SEO are constantly changing: what worked a few years ago certainly doesn’t hold true today. A person with SEO know-how stays on top of the latest trends.

SEO primarily falls under the marketing umbrella. But it’s also a handy skill for web designers/developers, as well as those who write on the web. Making your website or writing SEO-friendly can increase traffic and get you more online exposure.

There are more technical aspects of SEO, which may involve getting dirty in website files. There’s also lots of data in SEO, so using some data analysis skills from point one may come in handy! On the completely non-technical side, there’s content creation:

7. A/B Testing

Also known as split testing, A/B  is essentially testing two different versions of the same web page (A and “B”), and seeing which performs better (gets more button clicks, collects more emails, makes more sales, etc.).

A/B testing is also part of marketing. Knowing how to code can help, but is not required.

In-demand tech skills

8. Growth Hacking

Don’t let the hacking part throw you off: growth hacking is an up-and-coming marketing technique that focuses on acquiring users quickly. It’s all about problem solving, and combines digital marketing with web analytics.

Essentially, growth hackers combine some of the above skills (SEO, A/B testing, analytics) with social media and viral advertising in an effort to grow their company fast but keep costs low. Knowing how to code can help, but is not required.

9. Technical Writing

Being able to write about complex technologies in a way everyday people can understand is a valuable skill. Technical writing may take the form of creating instructions and documentation, or it may mean writing a press release describing a new product the company is releasing. This is for the person who can understand technology and communicate effectively via writing. Two gifts to have, powerful when combined!

10. Agile Methodology

Agile is a project management methodology meant to help teams deal efficiently with unpredictable situations. It’s typically found in software development (e.g. scrum), but now many other industries use the methodology. There are actually entire jobs based around this, like a Scrum coach, where the median yearly salary in the United States is $96,000.

The technology industry is enormous, and it has room for all different kinds of personalities and skillsets. So even if you’ve never written a single line of code in your life, don’t assume that tech is not for you. Start experimenting with some of these skills; you never know where it might take you.

11.User Interface Designer

Jennifer Drawing Ideas. Juhan Sonin//

This is similar to UX, but user interface design (UI) gives greater emphasis to the design of the interface.

UI designers establish the look and feel of a software’s interface. UI designers often are responsible for:

  • Visual design through each stage from brainstorming to engineering.
  • Clear communication of ideas and instructions to users through well-designed wireframes, storyboards, user flows, and sitemaps.
  • Making the interface a cohesive whole by intentionally designing each element of the site or web app to ensure they all work together.

National Average Salary for UI Designers: $61,308

12.User Experience Designer

User experience designers (UX) create products with the end-user in mind. Their primary goal is increasing user satisfaction.

The field of UX varies greatly. Some UXers focus on user research exclusively, while others may be more involved with prototyping products.

A few key responsibilities include:

  • User research: understanding users through interviews or other methods like card sorting.
  • Information architecture: knowing the most effective ways to structure content on a site or app.
  • Data-driven design: making design choices based on data analysis.
  • Wireframing and prototyping: building test versions of websites/web apps.

National Average Salary for UX Designers: $72,780

13.Web Analytics Specialist

Web analytics relates to SEO and digital marketing. Specialists focus on site traffic measurement, goal-setting for site elements, user experience visualization through Google Analytics, and site change monitoring with A/B testing.

Web analysis specialists generally work through agencies representing multiple clients, so expect to handle more than one website, depending on the agency's size and workflow.

National Average Salary for Web Analytics Specialist: $62,464

14.Enterprise Software Sales

Enterprise software sales can be a highly lucrative field for the right person. As with any sales job, exceptional performance is generally rewarded with commissions and bonuses, putting top performers at some of the largest global companies in the $400,000 per year range.

Software-as-a-service sales, more typically known as 'SaaS sales' functions primarily as business-to-business (B2B) service.

However, as is the case in so many sales roles, high reward comes with high risk. Quotas, high-pressure-high-stakes negotiations, and extensive travel often take a toll on family life, so knowing what you're getting into at the outset is important.

National Average Salary for Enterprise Software Sales: $72,325

15.Growth Hacker

Also known as a user acquisition specialist, growth hackers fall under the larger umbrella of marketing, as well.

Commonly employed by startups, growth hackers combine marketing, technology, and business development with a laser focus on user acquisition. They develop and implement onboarding strategies, experiment extensively, measure results, and tweak—or even discard—plans as necessary, based on consumer response and engagement. Such a role requires flexibility and agility of process to successfully execute.

National Average Salary for Growth Hackers: $74,369

16.Tech Support Specialist

Some types of tech support jobs require a degree if the type of support you are giving is highly technical; for others, a degree is no issue.

Perhaps the greatest benefit to many in this field is the flexibility. Many tech support companies allow for flex scheduling, working from home or some hybrid. As long as you’re able to engage with customers and help them with their technology problems, it doesn’t always matter whether you’re in a cubicle or on your sofa.

A solid familiarity with a wide variety of tech products and issues coupled with strong communication skills are essential to this position. 

National Average Salary for Tech Support Specialists: $40,335

17.Technical Recruiter

Technical recruiters often stand as gatekeepers between major organizations and technical employees such as programmers and developers .While they don't perform hands-on tasks with technology or coding, a fundamental understanding of the larger technical landscape is extremely important to gaining the experience needed for the highly-specialized roles they're contracted to fill.

Excellent communication skills are key for a technical recruiter. Experience working in technology fields is a bonus, as is a mature and confident personality.

National Average Salary for Technical Recruiters: $45,064


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